November 10, 2009
FILED UNDER: finnish, listen with spotify, mp3, music, music video“I've had the album ready for 1,5 years now, and I feel a lot of the songs are a product of the environment I recorded them in. There was the unemployment, a long distance relationship that ended rather unhappily, and a lot of general who-am-I-and-what-am-I-supposed-to-do type of existential pondering.”
“Most of my songs have a basis in my personal life. They may be about what happened, what never happened, what I hoped would happen - or a combination of all, bending and stretching the truth, adding some things and leaving some out. I don't consider it storytelling though - it's more about what goes on inside a person than outside.”
Those are the words of Helsinki-based Koria Kitten Riot that is an anagram for Antti Reikko. He makes superbly fragile and beautiful, minimalistic songs in his bedroom and sings with a soft hush that feels so intimate like everything is ready to burst into pieces at any given moment.
Here's a few songs from the self-titled album, that's out on Solmu Records. The first single, "The Wedding Waltz" can be listened with Spotify.
Koria Kitten Riot - The Streets and Their Names
Koria Kitten Riot - 4 AM Cars
There's also a video for a non-album edit of the song "At the End of the World" from the movie Toinen jalka haudasta that was directed by Johanna Vuoksenmaa.
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